...the Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.Our pastor had recommended it to all of us at church and had a few copies available.We purchased one.I had heard about it for years but had never read it for one reason or another.I have been enjoying it.I read a portion of it today that was a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me and wanted to share it with you.It is the first paragraph of the seventh letter and it says:
Dear friend,
We have a God who is infinitely good and who knows what He is doing.He will come and deliver you from your present trouble in His perfect time and when you may least expect it.Hope in Him more than ever.Thank Him for the strength and patience He is giving you,even in the midst of this trial,for it is an evident mark of His concern for you.Encourage yourself with His love and thank Him for everything.
I found this so very encouraging.We are not really enduring any new storms here which I am grateful for.It is the sameness that I often find so wearisome.The business as usual that creeps about our life.That is what burdens me at times.And I see the parallel between the ever present potential for rain here in Oregon and the ever present sameness in our lives.Now God's constancy is one thing that stays the same and for that I am thankful.But the same issues health and financially speaking are the ones that tend to wear on me at times.And the rainy weather this week did not help.Big grin.I long for physical sunshine which changes the look of the land as much as I long for a change in the overall landscape that is our lives here on earth.To feel the warmth of His smile in the sunshine that warms the earth.To see Him move these ever present mountains that cast shadows over our lives.That is what I long for.Brother Lawrence reminds me that He has a timing for all things in our lives.And perhaps we are still to be in what at times feels like perpetual winter.Spring will arrive just as it does each year.And soon,hopefully,the weather will reflect it.And God will one day remove these shadowy times in our lives.These are not eternal.But He is.His love is.And so are His grace and strength.And so I offer a whispered prayer of thanks and praise to the One who is Himself both sunshine and shadow.Thank You Father for Your constant presence in the lives of Your children.Thank You that with You we have hope.That things will not always be the same.That we will eventually be set free from all that is burdensome to us.And that until then we must come to You regularly,our burden bearer.Thank You that You are good and You are present.Even in the troublesome times.Amen.
Dear friend,
We have a God who is infinitely good and who knows what He is doing.He will come and deliver you from your present trouble in His perfect time and when you may least expect it.Hope in Him more than ever.Thank Him for the strength and patience He is giving you,even in the midst of this trial,for it is an evident mark of His concern for you.Encourage yourself with His love and thank Him for everything.
I found this so very encouraging.We are not really enduring any new storms here which I am grateful for.It is the sameness that I often find so wearisome.The business as usual that creeps about our life.That is what burdens me at times.And I see the parallel between the ever present potential for rain here in Oregon and the ever present sameness in our lives.Now God's constancy is one thing that stays the same and for that I am thankful.But the same issues health and financially speaking are the ones that tend to wear on me at times.And the rainy weather this week did not help.Big grin.I long for physical sunshine which changes the look of the land as much as I long for a change in the overall landscape that is our lives here on earth.To feel the warmth of His smile in the sunshine that warms the earth.To see Him move these ever present mountains that cast shadows over our lives.That is what I long for.Brother Lawrence reminds me that He has a timing for all things in our lives.And perhaps we are still to be in what at times feels like perpetual winter.Spring will arrive just as it does each year.And soon,hopefully,the weather will reflect it.And God will one day remove these shadowy times in our lives.These are not eternal.But He is.His love is.And so are His grace and strength.And so I offer a whispered prayer of thanks and praise to the One who is Himself both sunshine and shadow.Thank You Father for Your constant presence in the lives of Your children.Thank You that with You we have hope.That things will not always be the same.That we will eventually be set free from all that is burdensome to us.And that until then we must come to You regularly,our burden bearer.Thank You that You are good and You are present.Even in the troublesome times.Amen.