Steve and I did something this morning we had'nt done in awhile.We watched some morning news.They had a segment on the newest trend in bragging rights among families.It was"How busy are you?"I commented that I thought that was an insane thing to be proud of.Just hearing about their hectic schedules wearied me.But apparently these families thought it was praiseworthy to be completely exhausted 24/7.We then went about our day.Later on the topic came up again as we had lunch.I still thought it was insane to be that busy. :-)I like time for reflection myself.Quiet time to think.To listen to God.To pray.As I did some baking I thought about bragging rights.We've all had them at one time or another.Perhaps you grew up in a prestigious family and felt that gave you bragging rights.For a young man or a middle aged one even it may be the car you drive.Perhaps it's really cool,really fast and really expensive.Or perhaps it's just really loud.Bragging rights again.Or perhaps you are a woman who has been blessed with lots of children from your own womb.And you feel that is worth some boasting.Or perhaps you're a student or one that's just graduated from an important(in your estimation)university.You've covered your walls with awards received including your recently obtained diploma.Something to glory in.Or perhaps it's your appearance.Natural beauty that needs little if any cosmetic help.Reason to be boast for sure.As I pondered all of these things I thought to myself that these are all normal things.Good things.Blessings from God for sure.But do we dare to assume bragging rights when these are all gifts from God(see James 1:17).Any good that comes our way is purely a gift from God to be enjoyed for a season or maybe even a lifetime.We are but caretakers of His blessings.I like what His word says in II Corinthians 10:17"But,let him who boasts boast in the Lord."All of these things are but a vapor,a mist compared to Him.
"Thus says the Lord;"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,let not the mighty man glory in his might,Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;But let him who glories glory in this,That he understands and knows Me,That I am the Lord,exercising lovingkindness,judgement,and righteousness in the earth.For in these I delight,"says the Lord.~Jeremiah 9:23-24 NIV
We watch the same morning show. Thanks for a great post. I much prefer the humble. And the schedules that people keep with their kids.... forget it!!!!
Bless you!
Missed that show, but bragging rights for a chronically busy schedule is insanity! You know, as I was sitting here thinking, the only bragging rights I have, is that I'm a child of God.
Now THAT'S something to brag about:-)
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Hi Ellen! :-)
So glad to see you've stopped by!Yes,it appears we did watch the same show.I too prefer the humble.And you are right...those schedules are worth forgetting.I would not want that kind of life.Bless you and love you dear friend.
Hello Vicki!:-)
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.Amen!The only bragging rights we have is being loved by an awesome and holy God!Blessings to you dear sister.
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