Sunday, August 31, 2008

On the Threshold

I just love this picture.It speaks to me of opening a door on a new season,thus leaving the old one behind.We stand upon the threshold of the Autumn season.A time of new things.Perhaps a new school,new clothes and new books.A new teacher,new friends,a new life perhaps."See,I am doing a new thing!""declares the Lord" in Isaiah 43:19.It is the season of harvest.Of ripening corn and apples and pumpkins.The season of growth is past and now we reap an abundant and hearty bounty.We enjoy the fruits of our labors."And let us not get tired of well- doing,for at the right time we will get in the grain,if we do not give way to weariness."(Galatians 6:9,Bible in Basic English)We look ahead to a time of giving thanks to our wonderful creator God who has blessed us with all of His bounty,both heavenly and earthly"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ."(Ephesians 1:3)."The eyes of all look expectantly to You,andYou give them their food in due season."(Psalm 145:15, New King James Version).We,as children of God can look forward with faith and hope to this new season for the God who created the seasons themselves will continue to provide all we need both spiritually and physically.His provision may come in a new and unexpected way.But His provision will be there.Always.At just the right time.No matter what the headlines say about our economy,the God who sent His only Son to die for us will be with us in this new season.Are you ready to step over the threshold?I am.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Days of sun baked earth
and searing heat.
Gave way to leaden
skies pouring forth
Liquid refreshment.
Refreshing weary
souls full of
sleepless nights
and blazing days.
Now glad hearts
pour forth praise
to the One
who grants sleep
to His children
and sends forth
rain in it's season.
Cooling ocean breezes
pour forth from
same pale gray expanse.
Renewing all who
feel it's blowing breath.
Like the wind of His spirit
renewing our spirits.
And we breathe deeply
and sigh heavily
and thank Him for this

Poem written by Sharon Goemaere

Blessings all~Sharon(who is glad for rain and wind)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Child's Garden

Flowers by Jesse Wilcox Smith

There is a garden in every childhood,
an enchanted place where colors are brighter,
the air softer,and the morning more fragrant
than ever again.
~Elizabeth Lawrence~

I am babysitting and proofreading again today but I just had to share this beautiful picture and quote I found with all of you .

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Conversations While Coloring


I was busy trying to proofread a manuscript today while babysitting our granddaughter Hope along with my husband Steve.None of Hope's friends could play so she hung around me and prattled on and on.I knew it was time to break from proofing so I suggested to Hope that we go color.She and I have great conversations while coloring.We talked about colors to use and our individual pictures and such.As often happens our conversations turn to deeper subjects such as matters of faith.I rejoice to know that she is well acquainted with Jesus.In fact she is amazed when others do not believe in Him!For all her social ways she is still a very deep thinker and has very strong opinions on God and His ways and Word.She knows that sometimes He has to say no to our requests if not in our best interest.Amazingly she is appalled by greed in the world. She was very distressed by the merger between Microsoft and another corporation when her mother told her that it was most likely motivated by money and the desire for more of it...Hope boldly proclaimed there were more important things in the world than money!But I digress.As we colored and chatted today Hope suddenly looks at me and declares that"Bad people have small,black hearts."I listened for I knew more was coming.Smile."And"she says..."Good people have big,red hearts!"I smiled and said"Yes,I think you are right Hope."She's 7 and still too young to realize that we live in a world where things are not so easily and simply determined.Sadly, we live in a time when the good guys don't always wear white and have big red hearts.Deception abounds.Political correctness has muddied and turned to gray all but the most discerning of hearts.Bad guys often masquerade as"angels of light."And it seems all good is almost non-existent.But,I think it is all just an appearance.An apparition.For I saw goodness today in the big red heart of a child.And I smiled.

Monday, August 11, 2008

This Fleeting Season

Late Summer,Tuscany
Hazel Barker

Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year-It brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.
~Author Unknown~

Then followed that beautiful season...Summer...
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;
and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

In less than 3 weeks our granddaughter goes back to school.All I have spoken to have said the same thing..."Where has the summer gone to.?"It is as if it had just begun and now is set to leave in about a month.Such a fleeting season.The landscape and weather here have been aware of it's all too brief presence and have slowly,gently responded to Autumn's beckoning.The sun,that gave us so many extra hours of daylight and cerulean skies is now fading into the soft nights much earlier now.The mornings,though still lovely and bright,at times,are definitely cooler.I welcome this chilly respite.I love watching,in anticipation,how the changing of seasons affects the earth.My eager blue eyes gaze with expectation for that first flame colored leaf to adorn the abundant trees here in our apartment complex.I look with joy upon the golden glowing landscape that is Autumn.I rejoice and give thanks to the One who created such exquisite beauty in Autumn and in each of the seasons.He says in Ecclesiastes 3:10 that"He has made everything beautiful in it's time."Each season on the calendar,each season or time of our life,has it's own unique beauty.It's own special fingerprint from the hand of God.His seal of approval so to speak.It's important that we enjoy each season that we are in at present for what it is.To relish each day as it comes.For life is like the seasons of the year.They are often too quickly gone.And unable to be retrieved once gone.Have a blessed day everyone.