Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer's Rest

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time. ~John Lubbock

We are off to the coast for some much needed relaxation and to enjoy this day's all too quickly fleeting beauty!Time flies much too quickly when one is middle aged.There are days I long for the seemingly eternal summer days of my childhood where time seemed non existent but for the ever changing position of that huge golden orb we call the sun.To lie on one's back and stare at summer clouds without fear of sun damage is a memory of my childhood I hold dear.What memories of summer do you treasure?


Victoria (Vii) said...

What a lovely post! So many wonderful memories to treasure of summer! Picking Strawberries, finding shells in the sand at the beach, Lemonade stands, oh so many wonderful memories!

Jo said...

Savor this lovely respite, dear friend! May your writers soul be refreshed and inspired and may there be delightful tales to tell when you return.
Much love,

(I loved the painting you used in this post; Jesse Wilcox Smith, no? And the decorum of your blog is simply stunning!)

Sharon Goemaere said...

Dear Jo:
I did savor our all too brief respite.I will e-mail you with details dear friend.Thank you for your kind words about my blog.I changed everything for I needed and wanted a fresh summer look for it!These colors remind me of summer time.Love~Sharon :-)

Sharon Goemaere said...

Dear Breaths:
Thank you so much for your kind words and lovely memories of summertime.I adore fresh strawberries as well as lemonade.And if they are together in a glass with ice that's even better!Blessings~Sharon

Mimi said...

Enjoy your days of relaxation on the coast...

Sharon Goemaere said...

It was actually just a few hours on Monday that we were there.Much needed too.It was time well spent.Blessings~Sharon

Paula said...

Playing in the dark with my cousins while our parents and grandparents sat talking around the fire pit, is one of my favorite summer memories.

I hope you had a wonderful time at the coast! (love the nature sounds you have playing...)

Sharon Goemaere said...

Thanks for stopping by Paula and sharing your summer memories with me.I love the nature sounds as well and was so happy to find them on the Playlist web site!Blessings~Sharon