Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Prayer Needed Part 2

Please continue to hold us up in prayer here.Husband continues to cough from time to time.I awoke with a scratchy throat this morning.AND Granddaughter is here today,home from school, as she threw up less than an hour after arriving at school.She also continues to cough.And I am fed up.My spirit and my flesh are not happy with this.I know,I know,I can hear all moms out there thinking"boy,she ought to live in my home."But,please,please,remember,I never had children.I am used to good health when it comes to those ugly things kids bring home from school.But now that we babysit regularly,granddaughter constantly brings unwelcome guests home from school.I know this sounds like I am complaining.Guess I am.I also know I hate down time due to illness.My nature and personality is somewhat(I said somewhat)Type A.I don't like illness on any level to set me or my husband back.AND I absolutely despise sick kids. LOL Not the kids themselves but the fact that they seem to be little germ magnets and I cannot seem to keep ahead of the little"monsters."If you read my post from Sunday you will see the other factors involved in my intense dislike of down time from illness.So,we do covet your prayers here.Our granddaughter missed much school last year due to illness and this year is not starting off well.She has not even been back a full week yet and is already home due to illness.Thank you for your prayers dear readers.



Debbie in CA : ) said...

My dear,

You are in my prayers. I encourage rest, the healthiest of diet manageable, the freshest of air, and the sweetest of reading. The storm shall pass ... But while it rages I stand at your side in prayer. Dear Lord ...

Jo said...

Oh dear, oh dear... well never fear dear friend... I'm praying... love you!

Sharon Goemaere said...

Thank you Debbie.I have heeded your advice and know this too shall pass.My flesh simply hates to be inconvenienced in any way.Smile.Turns out granddaughter has another UTI and is on a 2 week regimen of antibiotics.She's almost 8.

Sharon Goemaere said...

Dearest friend Jo:
Thank you too for your prayers.I think I shall recover soon.Our little granddaughter has another UTI.She has had so many...she is on another round of antibiotics.Had some back at the end of school year last year I think as well.Your prayers and those of Debbie in CA are so very much appreciated.Love you too~Sharon

Barbara said...

Trust you are all feeling better by now.

Sharon Goemaere said...

Barbara!Thanks so much for stopping by.We are almost completely well.Granddaughter is back to school.We seldom cough anymore.No more Vicks at night for me. LOL And our weather has been nice too.God is good!Love from me to you~Sharon

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