Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Week

It's been quite a week here.Spring weather finally arrived just in time for summer to begin.God surely has a sense of humor.Smile.I ended up in ER again for my heart had jumped out of rhythm once again.I was shocked back into rhythm.But it took 2 doses of medicine to sedate me and three tries to shock me back into rhythm.That means my body is building an immunity to such things.I did not welcome that news at all.I am still in rhythm,praise the Lord.I see the cardiologist tomorrow.I do hope that he does not mention the dreaded"P"word.Pacemaker.I am too young and in many ways too healthy for such a thing. I know that is simply my non-medical opinion.And no one welcomes invasive surgery.But it is possible he will discuss it tomorrow.I am really hoping it all was just caused by a change of medications a few months back.What can I say,I am an optimist.Big grin.I know God is in control and that He loves me.I just don't understand His ways at times.It seems I have had need of a lot of sifting.And He has allowed it.I just must keep in mind that sifting purifies and refines us as His children.That it makes us fit for ministry and for heaven.And it is therefore necessary.We did some spring cleaning this week.I just love to look out of sparkling clean windows.It just brightens the day and allows for a clear,unobstructed view of the verdant beauty that is Oregon in the summer time.I feel so blessed,blissful really to live in such a state.I grew up in Sacramento CA and never thought, that at age 30, God would move me to Oregon.But He did.And I have been here ever since.Our apartment complex held a summer solstice festival here yesterday.I had thought of not going.It is very easy for me,a writer and avid reader to be what some would deem anti-social.My loves,my hobbies,my talents,my gifts,are solitary pursuits.I was created by God to be this way.I have never minded being alone.Consequently,I must sometimes force myself into the company of others,much to my husband's chagrin.He gently encouraged me to go and enjoy the festivities so I joined him,our daughter and granddaughter.And I am glad I did.There was a colorful parade of many of the children who dwell here and pets all decked out with balloons and such.Chalk art contests,hula hoop contests,prettiest pet contests.What fun I had!I chatted in the shade of a lovely tree with another tenant whom we used to attend church with years back.Occasionally a lovely breeze would grace us with it's refreshing presence, taking the edge off of the heat.Or an overly excited puppy would come over for some love and attention which I willingly gave for I adore animals.We finished off the festival with a donut provided by one of the tenants who works at a donut shop!And,Steve and I were also given pinwheels,along with the children to"play"with as we sat there enjoying the day's festivities.Huge grin now.They awakened a long forgotten childhood love of things that blow in the wind.They each now grace a pot of pansies on our patio,waiting for a delightful wind to set them in motion.I really needed this respite.This return to childhood.It's far too easy to become too mature,too adult like.I need to remember how to have fun.For this too,I think,is a gift from God.A way to alleviate the stresses that come with adulthood.Today we will babysit at noon.Right now I am enjoying the quiet hum of our air purifier and the gentle sleep sounds of my husband and cat.And I love it.It's peaceful.Comforting.Like a hug from God.May your day be filled with many hugs from Him too.


Jo said...

Oh my word! I'm glad to hear you're home but will pray you won't be returning to the ER anytime soon. Your faith throughout this time is simply contagious... we're here for you!

Sharon Goemaere said...

Dearest friend Jo~
Thank you for stopping by and leaving such kind and encouraging words.You never cease to bless and encourage me.Much Love~Sharon

Mimi said...

I am so happy for you that they were able to get your heart regulated (at least for the time being)
I pray that the Cardiologist will be able to regulate you with medicine and you will not need a pacemaker...However, if that be the need ... thanks be to God that the medical field now has the knowledge to invent such things to help us have a more productive life...

Sharon Goemaere said...

Blessings to you Mimi and thanks so much for stopping by here!Yes,if God deems it necessary then I praise Him that such things exist~Sharon

~~Deby said...

Praying that your heart situation will be rectified and it will be a decision that will bring you peace, knowing that the Lord is in control....
I think this is my first time at your blog..I am browsing a bit and enjoying every minute of it..
I am North of you in Washington....

Sharon Goemaere said...

Hello Deby!
Thanks for stopping by.I am still in rhythm due to a switch of medications and the goodness of God!I am curious as to how you found me?Nice to meet another Northwesterner!Blessings~Sharon