Monday, April 06, 2009

So Good!

It's been a good week here.A happy week.A blessed week.We've finally gotten some sunny and warm weather here.We've seen God answering some prayers.Our van was making a weird noise last Sunday and as we sat there after church with our granddaughter eating lunch we thanked God for the food and we prayed for our van.This was outside a local Mc Donald's as we sat eating grilled chicken sandwiches and such.God blessed our food and healed our van of it's most strange noise!He's a great mechanic too!Then just this past Saturday night He healed my body.I had awakened in the night to my husband having one of his very physical dreams.He has these"fighting"type dreams from time to time.He accidentally kicked me in the back of my right leg as he slept.It threw my right hip and low back out of whack.I discovered this at about 4 AM yesterday as I attempted to get out of bed and head to the bathroom.I did not want to miss church again as I love where we now attend.So Steve got me a glass of milk,a small banana and an Ibupfofen 800 and I consumed them and we prayed.I awoke about 7 completely pain free and able to move.We were able to make it to church as a family and that was a huge blessing!Our granddaughter loves church and was missing it a lot due to illness and her mom's work schedule.Our daughter has now changed her schedule so we can go to church both Sundays as well as Wednesdays too.God is good all the time and he is always present but occasionally He really shines and His presence and care for us is seen in abundant and dramatic ways.And for that I am thankful!I hope all of you are well this Monday morning.
Blessings all~Sharon


Denise said...

Blessings to you today girl.. and am happy to hear about your new church.

I loved hearing about the kick and the milk and banana and Ibuprofen 800.. THEN prayer! I love how the mind of the Father God works... What a testimony.. Sometimes we look for the big things to share when in fact God is so big in all things and all things are worthy of sharing.....

Love it!

Have a blessed Easter.......

Sharon Goemaere said...

Thank you Denise!We've been attending this church since the new year began and we love it there.Had to take the food and drink before the ibuprofen as they are HARD on the stomach!It all helped the healing process.:-)God has been showing Himself strong on our behalf in so many small but important ways to us lately and I am so grateful.Have a blessed Easter too.Love~Sharon