Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Glorious Day

Yesterday was a glorious day.I cannot recall when I have enjoyed an Independence Day with as much joy as I did yesterday.My day began early as is my habit.I knew it was going to be hot later on so I did much of my work up early.I was blessed by a late morning call from one of my sisters down in California.I don't get to see all my sisters down in CA often so phone calls are always a real treat for me.We chatted for almost an hour until her husband's rumbling stomach told her it was time to go feed him.Smile.I made lunch for my husband myself and then we took a nap as the heat of the day continued to climb higher.We awoke and left for our town's annual Fourth of July Parade.We met our daughter and granddaughter there.The sun was beating down from clear blue skies.An occasional breeze brought much needed relief to our 90 degree plus temperatures.My husband Steve,bless his heart,volunteered to go buy shaved ice for us all at a nearby stand.While they were in line I sat in the back end of our van enjoying the pre-parade preparations being made.Though many people had arrived very early to get the best seats I saw many were still arriving.Husband and granddaughter arrived with shaved ice in hand.I had chosen grape.As a child I loved grape snowcones with a passion.Turns out there was about 100 flavors of shaved ice. But I was just happy for something frozen.Our granddaughter Hope chose lemon.Brave girl she is at 6.Smile.My husband shared that while he and Hope stood in line she began to rub his arm.She then loudly announced to all within ear shot"Bapa,your arms are hairy,you need to shave them!"Laughter ensued from one end of the line to the other.I just love kids.they can take a miserable situation(standing in 90 degree plus heat in a long line) and turn it around so very quickly.Soon we all settled in to watch the hour long parade.It was incredible.Loads of floats from local businesses.Fire trucks galore.Classic cars.Military vehicles.And thankfully children armed with squirt guns(to douse roasting people with) and loads of candy to toss at waiting children.Our granddaughter really scored in the candy department.Big grin.All too soon it was over.We stopped at a couple of stores for supplies then slowly made our way home where we grilled burgers.Cheeseburgers.And they were much better than any a fast food restaurant could produce.At some point daughter and granddaughter left to go the local high school for contnuing festivities.I took an extra shower.What a blessing that was as we have no AC.Later I settled in to watch a little tv with my husband.It was too hot to cuddle so we each positioned ourselves by a fan and watched some tv.A little before 10 we made our way outside with some chairs.The cooling night air was like a sweet caress on our warm skin.A myriad of stars began to blanket the sky above.And then the fireworks began.And they were incredible.Purples.Oranges.Greens.An amazing array of colors and sizes.And the night air scented with the smells that only summer seems to produce.The smell of cooling plants.And fresh barkdust.And fresh hay and mint in nearby farmer's fields.We watched with the awe and wonder of children though we are middle aged.And we visited briefly with the Mexican neighbors to our left.We all enjoyed the color and the sounds of the night.And then when it was all over we all went to our respective apartments.And some of us slept.And we thanked God for giving us such a glorious day.


Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Dear Sharon,
You took me there. I felt the heat, the fan on my skin, saw the bursts of fireworks, laughed with you over Hope's words. And whispered praise to God for a good day.
Just beautiful, Sharon.
Sitting here, smiling at all that He does, and the praise you've offered up.
All's grace,

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Dear Sharon,
You took me there. I felt the heat, the fan on my skin, saw the bursts of fireworks, laughed with you over Hope's words. And whispered praise to God for a good day.
Just beautiful, Sharon.
Sitting here, smiling at all that He does, and the praise you've offered up.
All's grace,

Sharon Goemaere said...

Oh Ann,your words have blessed me.It is my desire to write beautifully for Him.To take people"there"with my words.To make people smile...Thank you for stopping by and for blessing's another glorious day already.:-)