Delightful Discovery
Praise the Lord!We are finally having some lovely,spring-like weather here in NW Oregon.It is currently sunny and 78 degrees and I am just loving this immensely.Those of you live in darker,rainy climates will understand my joy.I told my husband Steve this morning as we were out driving that I was in danger of becoming"high"on the sheer beauty of the day.*Big grin*When we left the apartment early this morning we donned sunglasses.And simple t-shirts kept us comfortable.No jackets or coats needed.Thank you Jesus for this most lovely and welcomed gift.And now to my delightful discovery this week.When we moved into our current apartment back on December 31st all the trees were bare.Void of visual life.Brown and bland.However I discovered that the tree just outside our bedroom window is a flowering plum and it has begun to produce blossoms!!Beautiful pink blossoms that greatly resemble the ones in this image.I could'nt be happier.Being the lover of beauty that I am I was simply thrilled at this delightful discovery just outside my own door.My pansies that I and granddaughter Hope recently planted are thriving as well.God is so good.Blessings~Sharon
Today was glorious wasn't it? The sun was so bright and a gentle breeze made it the perfect temperature. I don't want it to leave. I wish I had a beautiful tree outside my window like yours. We are surrounded by fir trees but I guess I could plant one. I'm glad you got to enjoy the day.
Oh my yes it was!!!Lovely weather here in Salem.It is supposed to get cold and rainy again.Starting tomorrow I think.It reached at least 80 degrees yesterday!!!Wow!I think we have a fir tree right next to our flowering plum.It would be lovely if you could plant a flowering plum.They are just so pretty.Blessings~Sharon
lucky you to have such a beautiful tree right outside your bedroom window...and God was so good to you in leading you to those fans!!
He is so good to us all the time...
Oh yes Mimi!We moved into this complex to be nearer our daughter and g-daughter who also live here.The lovely tree was just an added blessing.*Smile*And those fans have already been used once!Saturday reached 80 degrees here which is hot for we Oregonians in the spring.That is more of a summer temperature here.Blessings~Sharon
Hello Sharon......
These days of spring are certainly a blessing and and so too, the unexpected discovery of the plum tree in blossom growing so perfectly outside your bedroom window.
I came across this quote written by Marcus Aureius a few days ago, it is very apt for any morning, but particularly on these joyous days of spring.......
When you arise in the morning, think what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy to love.
Have a wonderful week. Marion
Good Morning Marion:
Blessing indeed!It is an incredibly lovely tree.:-)I love that quote.It's just so true.Blessings~Sharon
Happy spring, Sharon! I love flowering plum trees. They are among my favorites this time of year. Blessings, ruth
Good Morning Ruth!
This tree has become a favorite of mine very quickly.Was not sure what it was at first.Looked it up and now I know!It's such a lovely tree.Oregon is so pretty this time of year is'nt it?Happy spring to you as well Ruth.Blessings on your day~Sharon :-)
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