Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday's Quiet

Sundays,quiet islands on the tossing seas of life.
-SW Duffield~
Image courtesy of The Morgue File


Adrienne said...

Beautiful photo. Beautiful thought. ~Adrienne~

Paula said...

I love this picture. So calming. Thank you for visiting my site ~

Anonymous said...

Very Lovely!

Sharon Goemaere said...

So good to see you stop by!Thank you for your kind words about my most recent post.It was so quiet and lovely here yesterday morning I just had to post about it.Have a blessed day.~Sharon

Sharon Goemaere said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.*Smile*I thought it was lovely and calming as well.Just like my Sunday morning was here.Blessings~Sharon

Sharon Goemaere said...

Thanks Debbie!It's really nice to see you!Blessings~Sharon

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon, I hope you had a great week-end. The picture is so beautiful and peaceful. I am always glad to see such beautiful pictures of God's creation. Love and ~hugs~

Lynda Meyers said...

Very nice photo Sharon! Reminds me of thoughtful days spent listening to the ocean pound the rocks - the majesty and power of God wrapped in peace.

Thanks for sharing the beauty!

Sharon Goemaere said...

Hi Nancze:
Our weekend was lovely.Busy but we made it through.Smile.I thought that pic was so peaceful and calming.Just had to share it as it represented my Sunday morning very nicely.Thanks so much for stopping by.Blessings~Sharon

Sharon Goemaere said...

Hello Madison!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such beautiful kind comments.Husband Steve and I love the ocean.The Oregon coast is just awesome.We don't get over there nearly enough...Blessings~Sharon

sparrow's song said...

God's creation is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad that He's going to make a new heaven and earth because I would miss it if He decided to do away with it altogether.

Sharon Goemaere said...

Me too Sparrow!:-)

Jo said...

I've tagged you with a meme if you're in the mood!

Sharon Goemaere said...

I will attempt to post on the meme as soon as I can Jo :-)Love~Sharon